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Scientist in the Lab

Are you looking for new students or postdocs?

This is by far the most common question I am asked. The answer varies by time and circumstance, obviously, but I am also interested in meeting new people and will always consider excellent candidates for positions (whether currently available or not). Click here to see the general description of positions available in the group.

Graduation Hat Throw

Where do your graduate students and postdocs get jobs when leaving the group?

Students and postdocs from my group have typically gone on to either industry or postdoctoral positions. Industry positions have been found in medical device and instrumentation companies (Medtronic, Bayer, PROFUSA, Agilent). Postdoctoral and permanent positions have been found in academic labs (Wisconsin, Duke, UC Davis, Drexel, Penn State, UT-Arlington) and national labs (Los Alamos, FDA). Some former students have obtained faculty positions at universities around the world.

Fountain Pen

Will you write a letter of recommendation for me?

Well, that depends. In general, I want to be supportive and help students reach their career goals. I am certainly willing to write letters for students I know well. I write honest letters that are fair to students and the entity receiving the letter. Such students need to consider whether I will be their best reference.  For students I do not know well, whether I agree to write a letter will depend on timing and other commitments. Sometimes I have to decline, even though I might want to help.


How long does it take to complete a dissertation in your group? What are the expectations?

The time required to complete the PhD research work is highly variable. It depends on projects, students, and circumstances.  The average time is about 5-6 years for students starting after the B.S. degree.  My expectations also vary somewhat by student and project, though some things are constant:

  • High-quality research published in respected journals

    • A Review paper for a relevant journal by end of the 2nd year.

    • Original research papers; a typical minimum number is 3.

  • Presentation of work as posters and platform talks at major professional society meetings.

  • Preparation of a thorough, cohesive dissertation.

Business Meeting

Will you serve on my thesis committee?

Possibly... Send me your proposal and I will consider it. Agreement depends on other commitments, timing, and the focus of your dissertation work. Most often I will agree, but I may suggest other suitable committee members in situations where I am already heavily committed.Send me your proposal and I will consider it. Agreement depends on other commitments, timing, and the focus of your dissertation work. Most often I will agree, but I may suggest other suitable committee members in situations where I am already heavily committed.

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